Article from the “Gazeta Finansowa” from October 17th-23rd, 2008.
"Gazeta Finansowa" is the main financial weekly in Poland.
How to invest during curious times – seeking value
by Jaroslaw Suplacz
There has been an abundance of investment hints in recent
days. The present proposals look more like attempts to regain confidence
tarnished by earlier offers, in particular concerning TFI (Investment Funds
Societies) products. Now the recipients of the advice are supposed to have the
impression, that professional advisers are still busy and finding attractive
solutions. It is assumed that investors have rather short memories and will
entrust their money again to the same managers.
An alternative attitude is to
assume that, in difficult times, cash is king and that it is not worth taking
any action whatsoever. This strategy has one main benefit – it distances itself
from the products offered by investment managers. At the same time it also
benefits banks. Lack of confidence in the financial sector results in a
desperate search for cash from banks own depositors in order to finance credit
action – banks vie with one another in offering attractive deposit rates. This
situation should compel us into thinking whether we are not dealing with another
sheep-like stampede. Inflation is “eating up” our savings, though. The Icelandic
Krone lost tens of percent of its value overnight. As can be seen, cash is not
always king, of which the citizens of Iceland can assure us.
In what to invest?
Is there no possibility of making a
reasonable investment in our curious times? A reasonable investor is able to
multiply assets – moreover, he can increase the value of his investment at a
relatively much faster rate than during a steady growth trend. The terms crisis,
slump are as a rule, synonyms of losses – that is, by definition the majority of
investors will lose, otherwise we would have a boom. Most managers, by
definition, will also generate losses for their clients in the slump period. One
needs to remain vigilant.
A good strategy means having
many strategies
A good strategy is having many
strategies, at best without a common part, that is, as highly diversified as
possible. A fundamental analysis is helpful during a slump to determine the
relative value of companies, industries, raw materials and currencies. Instead
of applying the “cash is king” principle, it is better to compose individual
structures, which one can optimize and manage in due time. The present way of
preventing a crisis does not guarantee cash as a safe investment. Certainly, one
can use this strategy as one of many. Because the only good strategy is to have
many strategies and it is on this principle that a well managed investment fund,
as well as by a well run personal portfolio should be based.
Funds drown capital
Investment funds which manage the
entrusted capital are recognisable by the fruits of their labour. It is somewhat
strange that out of all Polish investment fund ranges there were none which
would multiply member’s profits during the slump. In the summer of 2007, when
shares were drastically overvalued, managers were not aware of the situation. It
is quite obvious that people stormed financial brokers’ offices during the
height of the boom period. However, a conscious investment manager should take
capital (its profit) and instead of buying shares should occupy short positions
on the market (dependent also on the profile and fund strategy) and in the worst
case should hold on to cash. As can be seen, the sheep-like stampede among
managers has lead to colossal losses for members. Perhaps it would be a good
idea to revise the competence examinations for investment advisers while
investment portfolio should be run solely by persons proven to have successfully
managed their own savings.
PKO BP – a concept for the slump period
PKO BP is in many ways better
prepared to face a downturn in the economy than other banks. Due to this
advantage, companies and individuals alike, are choosing PKO BP, as a safe bank
and by doing so are increasing the bank’s advantage and security. At present it
is worth considering buying PKO BP shares while at the same time adopting
opposite positions (short sales) on the remaining banks. Why?
Despite recent growths the slump is
here to stay for a while. Even if drastic falls were not to be repeated, the
aversion to risk taking will remain and will manifest itself in the selection of
the investment portfolio. The crash on the stock exchange is, in a way, of a
“virtual” nature. In the real world the slump will appear in a few weeks or
months. When the recession arrives, companies, including banks, will experience
it. The present drop in share prices is nothing but the discounting of future
events. The financial system is struggling with a lack of confidence and the
maintenance of a shaken international liquidity.
The conservative approach paid
In a few months time the real
economy will reveal what today the decision makers who manage bank assets
approximate in their decisions about propensity to lending money. While
financing their long term credit positions banks cover them with their short and
medium term liabilities towards depositors and may experience substantial
difficulties. If the National Bank of Poland steps forward with a relief
package, it will only serve to improve the banks liquidity. However, the
financial results of the banks with toxic assets can be disastrous. It is
obvious that those banks who have applied an aggressive credit policy will find
themselves in a very disadvantageous situation. PKO BP is on the other side of
the extreme – they have stuck to a conservative credit model.
No foreign head office
PKO BP is a bank with no strategic
foreign shareholder. The American and European banks applied a more
aggressive policy than Polish banks, thus their financial results will be more
affected by the crisis situation. Polish banks, which possess a foreign owner,
are exposed to the risk that their parent company will drag the dependant
companies down – despite the fact that these are separate entities the transfer
of capital both in a direct and indirect way from the dependant company to the
parent company is possible.
Refuge to PKO BP
Large companies which are more
exposed to the effects of collapse of a bank than individuals, are aware of the
deteriorating situation in the banking sector. Many companies are now moving
their accounts from other banks to PKO BP. Individuals, including those who have
above average savings, are also spotting that, in case of a crisis, PKO BP’s
position is much better in comparison to other banks, and are also moving their
deposits to PKO BP.
The PKO logo is of value
PKO BP has its own strong
depositor’s base – which in the present situation is priceless! Older persons,
who value security of deposits more than the high interest rate associated with
higher risk, constitute a major percentage of the bank’s clients. Of importance
is also the psychological attachment of customers to the bank, the “PKO” logo
has its own proven value. In future, the bank will not have to seek a dramatic
increase in interest rate on deposits in order to attract/keep its depositors.
Thus, due to having lower financing costs the bank has real grounds to expect
relatively better financial results than other banks.
Profit on falls
Considering the above assumptions
the strategy of buying PKO BP shares looks attractive while at the same time
selling shares of other banks for same amount – occupying short positions on
shares of the remaining banks on WSE allowed short sales. One can also simplify
the strategy – it will however be a departure from the above assumptions, i.e.
instead of occupying short positions on a couple of banks, the investor can
occupy short position on WIG20 contracts – where the banking sector
constitutes a substantial part of the index.
It is highly probable that the
strategy presented above will bring profit to the investor. Moreover, one can
expect an increase of profits if the market falls – this strategy is aimed at
exactly such a situation. Should a growth trend appear or a horizontal one, the
solution presented ensures more probability of profit than probable loss over
the next weeks/months.
The PKO BP share purchase strategy vs. the
Bank Index presented on October 17th, 2008 in the Gazeta Finansowa [Financial
News] weekly has proven to be very accurate. PKO BP gained in relation to the
index around 10 percentage points up to 20.11.2008, as shown by the chart.

The PRESS RELEASE section shall be supplemented in the future
One can
find several dozen materials relating to Jaroslaw Suplacz, who is in charge of
PolandSecurities, in the mainstream Polish media, including a few cover stories.
The most influential journal in Poland is the "Gazeta Wyborcza", the main
financial weekly – "Gazeta Finansowa", the main Polish financial journal
– "Rzeczpospolita", the biggest journal dedicated to the stock market -
"Parkiet" and many others.
29/10/2004 /PolandSecurities/
Artykuły prasowe w języku polskim dotyczące raportu PolandSecurities ukazały się
we wszystkich dziennikach finansowych. Najobszerniejsze materiały można znaleźć
w archiwach Gazety Wyborczej, Parkietu, Rzeczpospolitej, szukając keywords:
Supłacz, Poland Securities.
The original report regarding HOOP S.A. IPO
was developed in 2003. A related quotation
from the service reads:
“Based in Warsaw, Poland, Hoop S.A. produces
fruit-flavored carbonated beverages, cola,
and mineral water. Its original schedule for
an IPO was foiled after Jaroslaw Suplacz, an
independent analyst, published a report via
the Internet valuing the company at less
than PLN 5 per share, well below other
analysts' expectations of PLN 26 per share.
He also suggested that Hoop's existing
shareholders might be guilty of stripping
the company of assets, and that the company
was on the verge of bankruptcy.” Articles
about my report hit first pages of all the
Polish financial newspapers, with the HOOP
IPO being the largest on the Polish market
in 2003. Here is
the link
to a chart with HOOP quotations.
ITI: Wpływy z oferty niższe od
03.07.2002 /Prawo i Gospodarka/
Z sondażu przeprowadzonego wczoraj w biurach maklerskich wynika, że oferta
sprzedaży akcji ITI Holdings S.A. cieszyła się "umiarkowanym" zainteresowaniem
inwestorów. Wtorek był ostatnim dniem zapisów na te walory.
Zdaniem przedstawicieli biur maklerskich potencjalnych nabywców zniechęca przede
wszystkim wysoka cena ustalona przez spółkę w przedziale o 9,75-14 zł za akcję.
Dodatkowym argumentem przeciw zakupowi mogą być wyceny opublikowane przez biura
maklerskie. Najwyżej walory ITI wycenił IDM Kredyt Banku na 9,72 zł. Wycena
opublikowana przez CA IB określająca wartość akcji ITI na 13,85 przyjmowana jest
przez większość analityków i inwestorów z nieufnością ponieważ instytucja ta
pełni rolę współmenedżera oferty.
akcjami ITI określiłbym jako umiarkowane. W opinii wielu naszych klientów akcje
są drogie - powiedział Piotr Duszek, naczelnik wydziału rynku pierwotnego w BDM
PKO BP. Podobnie określił popyt na walory ITI Piotr Teleon z CDM Pekao S.A. Jego
zdaniem spadki kursów na giełdzie zniechęcają inwestorów indywidualnych również
do zakupu papierów ITI.
Z nieoficjalnych
informacji uzyskanych przez PG wynika również, że od zakupu akcji ITI
powstrzymały się największe instytucje finansowe. Podejrzewam, że oferta ITI
zakończy się fiaskiem, a wpływy z emisji mogą się okazać niższe od kosztów jej
zorganizowania, które zgodnie z zapisami prospektu emisyjnego mają się zamknąć
gigantyczną kwotą 10-17 mln USD - powiedział Jarosław Supłacz, analityk
niezależny, autor niezwykle krytycznego raportu na temat oferty ITI. W swoim
opracowaniu Supłacz wycenił akcje ITI na zaledwie 0,40 zł.
Należy odnotować
możliwość emisji akcji przez ITI do wysokości kapitału autoryzowanego w
wielkości 1,5 mld akcji (przy aktualnej liczbie 160 mln akcji). Taki zapis
dyskwalifikuje ofertę w oczach funduszy inwestycyjnych. Ile na świecie jest
spółek dopuszczonych do publicznego obrotu, które pozostawiają zarządom
możliwość prawie 10 krotnego! zwiększenia kapitału akcyjnego na warunkach jakie
zarząd uzna za stosowne? - pyta Jarosław Supłacz.
Uważa on, że na
"ratunkowy" zakup akcji mogą się zdecydować jedynie instytucje finansowe
powiązane z BRE Bankiem, głównym kredytodawcą ITI i akcjonariuszem posiadający
15,25 proc. akcji gdyż bez nowej emisji ITI nie będzie w stanie w krótkim czasie
spłacać swoich zobowiązań.
Andrzej Witul
Raport Erste
27.06.2002 /PolandSecurities/
Erste Securities przed wydaniem swojego krytycznego raportu na temat oferty ITI
odwiedził® |